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San Diego

Maternity Photographer

Pregnancy is a remarkable time in a woman’s life, full of amazing changes and exciting anticipation. No wonder why women want to document it all with beautiful maternity photos! The ideal time to schedule your pregnancy photo shoot is generally sometime between weeks 28 and 32 when your belly is already big enough and you feel comfortable to walk around and show off that adorable baby bump. But timing when to take pictures isn’t the only thing you need to know to pull off a stunning photo shoot. Selecting the perfect location, a beautiful gown, and the right photographer to register these images are all key factors to get amazing photos!

San Diego Maternity Photographer – Pregnancy Photos

One of my favorite locations to photograph Pregnancy Photos is the beach! I feel so blessed to have so many gorgeous natural backdrops in San Diego to choose from to create stunning pregnancy photos for my clients! This photo shoot was done in La Jolla Windansea and let me tell ya, I had so much fun photographing them!

San Diego Maternity PhotographerSan Diego Maternity PhotographerSan Diego Maternity PhotographerSan Diego Maternity Photographer

San Diego Maternity Photographer – Pregnancy Photos at La Jolla WindanSea Beach.



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